Things to do in Padawan, Kuching

Padawan is a sub-district of the city of Kuching, in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia and is fast becoming a new destination in Kuching for its varied tourism experiences mainly themed around culture, adventure and nature.

This write up is intended to give you additional information on other interesting things to do other than the main star attractions usually offered at the hotel tour desk.

Art Street Kuching -Connections

A review of Art Street Kuching 2018 which features two components the Ruang Seni and Street Theatre.

Both of which is happening in Kuching and is an event under the umbrella of What About Kuching 2018.

It was an event which I had eyed upon since What About Kuching 2018 released their calendar of events.

Padawan Pitcher Plant Garden – Kuching

This is a brief description of the Padawan Pitcher Plant Garden in Kota Padawan, which is about thirty minutes drive south of Kuching, Sarawak.

It serves as a lovely introduction and an opportunity to have a closer look at the various types of pitcher plants found in Borneo, particularly in Sarawak.

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